Monday, April 11, 2016

Introducing Inside the Gaming Suite

                        Welcome to Inside the Gaming Suite

Hello and welcome to Inside the Gaming Suite, a weekly study of the Marketing and Strategic successes, failures, and everything in between within the Interactive Entertainment industry. As part of an independent study at Vanderbilt University's Owen Graduate School of Management, I have chosen to look into the details regarding some of my favorite franchises to see how they became what they are today, regardless of whether the turnout was good or bad. I hope to utilize this research to get a better understanding of trends within the gaming industry, and develop ideas about where the specific franchises/genres will grow in the future.

                                          Image result for gaming franchises deviantart

                                                                 Who am I    


I'm Jay Romano, a lifelong gamer and loyal watcher of industry news. I find the gaming industry to be one of the most successful and exciting industries in the world today. The industry continues to evolve with each passing year, and I find it fascinating to see which companies have forged ahead while others  have been left behind. Most importantly though, at the end of the day I became interested in the industry because I love gaming. I was raised on the NES, Sega Genesis, and SNES, so some of my interest may skew towards the older generation, but I do my best to keep up with the times. My favorite game is Mega Man 9, and I tend to enjoy the following genres: Action, RPGs, Platformers, 3rd Person Shooters, Survival Horror, and Puzzle. 

Throughout this study, I implore you to comment with your thoughts and opinions on each subject. I think it would be really fun and interesting to get a good discussion going, so please feel free to reach out. Once again, welcome, I look forward to writing for you soon.


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