Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Death of a Franchise

Key Takeaways:

Much like film counterparts, game franchises typically die due to lack of sales and interest
Timing is one of the most important factors in the success or failure of a franchise
Occasionally, a franchise vanishes due to the closure of a development studio
Nostalgia trips are potentially the only way a franchise can be revived, but unless they can reclaim former sales numbers or surpass them, they’ll likely remain dormant


If you’ve read any of my blogs post since I started up back in April you know I love old games. That’s not to say that I don’t love new games, in fact, The Last of Us is probably one of the best 3 games I’ve ever played. That being said, the gaming industry has become a lot more mature than it was in the 1980’s and 1990’s, and I cannot help but enjoy reliving the wild business antics that are a part of the industry’s history. So many unique and long lasting games and franchises were born from this era. Today, you will never find another game like ToeJam & Earl - a game about two space aliens wandering around a strange looking Earth while searching for pieces of their spaceship and avoiding injury from the likes of mini-devils, Cupid, and what appears to be a stampede of Black Friday shoppers. A game with that concept would likely never make it to fruition in today’s industry without a lot of help from Kickstarter[1]. Yet, even back in the glory days there were still a handful of high quality, unique games that just never seemed to get their feet off the ground outside of a few entries. This post will take a look at a few cases and try to rationalize what went wrong.

Case 1: Vectorman vanishes out of this dimension

                              (Who could deny Mega Value? Credit: hardcoregaming101.com)

Vectorman had all the makings of a hit in the 1990’s. A run and gun platformer where you played the titular hero, whose role was to take out the evil Warhead. The atmosphere was more on the dark and edgy side, and the main character, a robot made of green orbs, was cool, calm, and collected. His traditional weapon was a ball gun that could blast enemies in multiple directions, and could later be powered up. Furthermore, Vectorman himself could transform into vehicles or items such as a drill or bomb. Due to a significant amount of advertising spending Vectorman and its sequel were both solid hits for the Sega Genesis; however, Sega made one crucial error – it released the games far too late in the Genesis’ lifespan. The original game came out in October 1995, nearly 5 months after the Sega Saturn was released to the public. Sega was fortunate to gain a following for the game, but questions remain whether or not it came at the expense of promotions for the Saturn[2]. Regardless, Blue Sky Software, the developer of the series, promised a new outing by the end of 1997. Unfortunately, that outing never came to be, as Blue Sky closed during that same year, and the project was lost. There are few details behind the end of Blue Sky, but the main rumor is that Sega/Blue Sky were not happy with the quality of the new game. Vectorman than remained dormant until May 2003, when Sega announced that the franchise would be coming to the PS2 (Sega was out of the console business at this point). Then, without much reasoning in October 2003, Sega announced the Vectorman 3 project was dead again, simply stating that it has chosen not to continue with the project[3]. With that, Vectorman vanished, and hasn’t been seen outside of compilations or virtual console releases since.

(A missed opportunity for the Saturn? Credit: Gamefabrique.com)

There are two significant reasons as to why Vectorman vanished, the first of which has to do with timing. As previously mentioned, the original game came out months after the Sega Saturn was released. I actually believe that this was a fine strategic decision. The Genesis had an extremely large install base, and launching a new franchise on a new console with no familiarity to users may not have been the system seller Sega wanted, especially if they did not promote it extensively with the console. Where I see the true error is in the sequel’s release. Vectomran 2 was released in November 1996, a year and a half after the Saturn was on the market. Now it’s no secret that the Saturn struggled from the moment in launched, mainly given it had to compete with Sony’s lower priced PlayStation and the incoming threat from the Nintendo 64; however, aside from the fact the game is in 2D as opposed to 3D, I have no idea why Sega would not choose to release the sequel for the Saturn. Vectorman had established brand equity, and the sequel presented an immense opportunity to generate sales for the Saturn. I realize that during the late 1990’s there was a huge push to move towards fully three dimensional graphics, but when a console is desperate the parent company should do all in its power to make it successful. I understand that Vectorman 2 was also a success for the Genesis, but it could have done a lot more for Sega if it had been put on the Saturn, perhaps even as a bundle with the console. Unfortunately, that’s a reality we will never know.
The other key reason Vectorman vanished is the closing of Blue Sky Software. Although a longtime successful development studio, when it closed the majority of its franchises faded with it. There have been few times in the gaming industry where a development studio or publisher has closed and franchises have made it through unscathed (one example is how THQ’s assets were sold off following its bankruptcy). If an upcoming game from a fledgling developer is not already in a playable format or has not been overly successful in previous iteration, it is even more unlikely anyone will pay to gain rights to the franchise. Furthermore, with turnover and buyouts due to financial trouble, the direction of the franchise may no longer be up to the original studio, and thus, it disappears quietly from existence. Such was the case with Vectorman, and unfortunately it looks like unless a nostalgia fueled campaign exists, he’ll remain in obscurity.

Case 2: Rocket Knight’s Revival Can’t Reclaim Past Glory

(Ready to go. Credit: Youtube.com)

The 1980’s and 1990’s were overloaded with too many mascots. Mario and Sonic led the charge, and almost every publisher/developer came up with one to try to make a name for itself. Konami had the Castlevania, Metal Gear, and Contra franchises, yet those game focused on main characters being people instead of animal/cartoon mascots and were not as approachable as the aforementioned icons. Thus, in 1993, Konami released Rocket Knight Adventures for the Sega Genesis. The game focuses on Sparkster, an armored possum who uses a sword and a jetpack to defeat evil pig invaders[4]. The game is a side scrolling platformer, and is extremely easy to pick up and play (it has a very arcade feel to it). I honestly had not ever played this game up until a month ago, but it hooked me right away as it was extremely accessible and a blast. It was a huge success for the Genesis, and is still considered one of the best games for the console. Sparkster was also an excellent addition to the mascot dominance of the Genesis, following strongly in Sonic’s footsteps. Konami then released two games for the franchise a year later, a direct sequel for the Genesis, and a spin off for the Super Nintendo. While both of those games were not considered as good as the original, they both seemed to find an audience. Building off the new success, Konami did absolutely nothing for 15 years[5]. Sparkster made cameos in various games, but never received a third installment of the franchise, that is, until Mega Man 9 fueled the retro revival in gaming. Due to the success of Mega Man 9 and its return to the early 8-bit graphics, several other companies attempted to bring out their old mascots to see if there was any life in them[6]. This included Bionic Commando, Sonic, Contra, etc. A lot of companies thought this method would both please established fans and save development money. Naturally, this presented an opportunity to bring back Sparkster. The revival was dubbed Rocket Knight[7]. The game contained similar characters and gameplay (with a few tweaks naturally), but also sported updated graphics. Unfortunately, upon release in 2010, the game was met with mixed to positive reactions. It came across at certain times like a cash grab, as noted in the 1up.com review:

But for a fifteen dollar download, Rocket Knight feels strangely underdone, as if you were playing an extended demo. There are only about a dozen levels and not a lot of variety. Although some of the levels make a visual splash and verge on the outright spectacular, the sound consists of only a few whooshes and clanks as you go along, with the obligatory ding every time you pick up a gem. If you were to turn the music off -- and lord knows you're going to want to -- you could play this game in the library without being shushed overmuch. (http://www.1up.com/reviews/rocket-knight-review)

It’s important to realize that in 2010 retro revivals were no longer a new and exciting innovation. Mega Man 9 was released in 2008, the industry had caught onto the concept and embraced it fully. Furthermore, certain successful games stayed fully true to their roots, while Rocket Knight may have tried to change a little too much.

          (1993 vs 2010, 1993 wins. 2010 is just so lame. Credit: Wikipedia.com)

As a result, Sparkster has not been seen since. Once again, there are a few reasons as to why. First, by year end 2010, the game had been downloaded only around 10,000 times. This is probably the biggest kiss of death there can be for a franchise. I would imagine the lack of enthusiasm was twofold: the game had changed too much for those who knew it, but for those who didn’t, there simply weren’t enough games in the franchise to create longtime brand equity. Gamers know Sonic, Mega Man, and the Contra series, even if they had not played any of the games. Sparkster simply did not have the following.  Couple this lack of interest and sales, along with an overall mixed reaction, and unfortunately you have a recipe for the end of a franchise.

While I do believe there is always another opportunity for the future, it seems more unlikely than ever for either Sparkster or Vectorman. If I were to guess, I’d say that Vectorman has a better shot of coming back than Sparkster, simply because Sparkster tried to return and failed. That being said, I would not be surprised if we saw both or neither of them ever again. Only time will tell.

[1] Ironically, a modern remake of the original was Kickstarted a little while back, it should be out in 2017…I’ll buy it
[2] The Sega Saturn and Sega’s other add-ons to the Genesis are a whole other set of posts, sometime possibly in the distant future
[3] http://www.ign.com/articles/2003/11/21/sega-rumor-clarification

[4] Eat your heart out Angry Birds
[5] Konami needs its own case study. From mishandling Hideo Kojima’s exit to the lack of interest in specific franchises (RIP Zone of the Enders) I have no idea what direction this company is going in.
[6] This is just my opinion the Mega Man 9 started the trend; however, it was a shock to the industry when it occurred so I stand by it.
[7] How late did you stay up thinking of that one Konami?

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